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In this article, you will find instructions and a template you can use for filing a complaint against Judge Manweiler for the wrongful atrocities committed against Ammon Bundy, Aaron Schmidth, Garth Gaylord, Casey Baker

Case Mar 17, 2021 Mar 20, 2021
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Most states have a body that investigates allegations of misconduct by judges and then decides on whether to administer some form of discipline.

Below are 

  1.   Instructions on how to file the complaint and 
  2.   A sample of a complaint filed against the judge that can be used by putting in your own information.   If you use the sample letter, please try to         put it in your own words so that it doesn't look like a form letter. 
  3.  Be sure to have your letter notarized and save a notarized COPY  
  4.  File separate letters for Ammon Edward Bundy and Aaron Von Schmidt.  

Even if you live outside of Idaho but may visit Idaho, you have a right to file the complaint because you are at risk of being exposed to Judge Manweiler's misconduct.

We want to build a case against the judge so that his chances of being re elected are reduced and to obtain other discipline.



Sample letter of complaint (copy and paste to a letter editor such as Microsoft Word and edit where needed...) :

Idaho Judicial Council
P.O. Box 1397 

Boise, Idaho 83701

(Your name)

(Your address)


Re:  Complaint for Misconduct by Judge David Manweiler, Ada County, Idaho


I,                                  , residing at                                and frequent visitor to Idaho and therefore, subject to Idaho jurisdiction, declare that I have standing in this matter due to my risk of being exposed to the misconduct by Judge David Manweiler.  “An injustice to one, is an injustice to all” Martin Luther King.


Judge David Manweiler presided over a case involving Ammon Edward Bundy and Mr. Aaron Schmidt,  as a defendants, in which Mr. Bundy and Mr. Schmidt were summoned to a hearing before Judge Manweiler on March 15, 2021.  Mr. Bundy and Mr. Schmidt arrived early, prior to his scheduled hearing, and attempted to enter the Ada County courthouse.  They were prevented from entering without a face mask.

Upon a showing that they:

  1. Had valid religious  and/or medical reasons for not wearing a mask, were denied their constitutional rights to freedom of conscience and/or to body autonomy and make decisions for their      own personal health decisions.
  2. That the Idaho constitution aggressively defends the rights of the people to access the courts;
  3. Made a good faith effort to attend the hearing;

Judge Manweiler proceeded to issue a bench warrant for Mr. Bundy and Mr. Schmidt's arrest for Failure to Appear (FTA) and Mr. Bundy and Schmidt, while waiting to be allowed in, were taken into custody against their will.  Moreover, Mr. Bundy and Mr. Schmidt were dragged into the courthouse without a mask, in violation of the same policy that prevented them from access to their own hearing.

This complaint falls within the competent jurisdiction of this council, notwithstanding any other legal action that may be taken related to the complaint against Judge Manweiler, for the following reasons set forth below:

  1. Failure to perform duties impartially and diligently A.Judge Manweiler revealed his bias and partiality by criticizing Ammon Bundy and Aaron Schmidt for their stand on facial masks.  In Zoom meetings, free from transmitting an alleged virus to others, Judge Manweiler wore a mask and was often difficult to hear or understand, due to the mask muffling his words.  Mr. Bundy respectfully asked for him to repeat himself, to which the judge responded with frustration and disdain.
  2. Judge Manweiler failed to perform his duties diligently in that he had foreknowledge of Mr. Bundy’s presence at the court entrance but heaped on Ammon Bundy the humiliation and indignity of denying his ability to make an appearance.  The judge had a duty to reasonably accommodate Mr. Bundy’s and Mr. Schmidt's religious objections to masks by using such things as social distancing, plexiglass barriers, etc.
  3. Failure to dispose promptly of the business of the court.
    1. A. Under the false pretense and unproven allegation of a virus according to accepted rules of evidentiary procedure, Judge Manweiler has unreasonably delayed the adjudication of the charges against Ammon Bundy and Aaron Schmidt.  The judge’s denial of the constitutional right to a speedy and fair trial, by holding it over a Zoom meeting with masks, has imperiled the justice system, leading to a loss of confidence in Judge Manweiler’s ability to promptly dispose of the business of the court.
  4.  Conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice that brings the office into disrepute.
  5. The unlawful bench warrant led to the physical injury of various people:  Casey Baker, Jennifer Acheson, John Nunez, and others with injuries from elbow bruises, head injury, shoulder and  back injuries that required emergency medical attention.

Caselaw abounds regarding the tension between the right to practice one’s religion that may be in conflict with a compelling state interest.  In the case of facial coverings, courts have ruled both ways, wherein Muslims wear face coverings as part of their religion but are in conflict with the rights of other parties, in a controversy, to see the faces of all witnesses and relevant parties.  The courts have ruled that, on one hand, a Muslim’s right to wear a veil, burka or other face covering is protected by the well settled doctrine of freedom to practice one’s religion and in rare instances where such religious practice conflicts with a state interest, the state has an obligation to make reasonable accommodation of an individual’s religious preferences.

In the instant case, Ammon Bundy  and Aaron Schmidt had a right, under both the Idaho State and Federal Constitution, to a free exercise of religion which included “not obstructing or covering their faces that was made in the image of God” and make decisions based on .  

 Moreover, Ammon Bundy and Aaron Schmidt had the right to a fair trial in which courts have ruled that face coverings impede a fair trial by covering facial expressions, body language, free breathing, and the right to “face” any accuser without having that “face” covered and to freely express himself without the restriction by a face covering.

Judge Manweiler mocked justice, abused his discretion, showed gross misconduct and brought dishonor to Idaho through worldwide negative publicity by not making reasonable accommodation of Mr. Bundy’s religious beliefs and access to a fair trial.  Additionally, Judge Manweiler’s misconduct resulted in extreme physical injury to Mr. Bundy by unjustifiably having him jailed in horrific conditions that shock the conscience. 

 Wherefore, I respectfully request that Judge David Manweiler be removed from his office or other discipline as the council may deem appropriate.

I aver that the statements herein are true according to the best of my knowledge.



(Your name)

(Your address) 




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